Sharing stories is powerful. We reproduce what we celebrate, and so when we tell stories of God doing incredible things, we raise the expectancy to see more signs of God moving across our nations! Through July, we have celebrated so many Vineyard churches in the UK and Ireland. There have been stories of God healing bodies, people coming to know Jesus, and compassion projects reaching the most vulnerable people in our communities. You can catch up with these incredible stories here!
Care Packs for Vulnerable Women (Birmingham Vineyard Church)
Birmingham Vineyard Church shared this incredible story about the generosity of their church family!
Online Women’s Retreat
Lockdown has stopped up from gathering in person, but there have been so many ways to gather together and connect online! We heard so many wonderful stories from our very first VCUKI Online Women’s Retreat. Catch up with them here!
Praying for a Fridge! (Vineyard Church Cardiff)
We follow a God who loves to answer our prayers! Last month Vineyard Church Cardiff hosted a 24-7 Prayer Week and we loved this story we heard from one of their compassion teams!
God is so good and faithfully provides Storehouse what it needs, plus what it didn’t yet know it needed!
Read the full story here.
Love Manchester (Manchester Vineyard)
Compassion is at the heart of the Vineyard Movement. We want to be people who love and serve our communities, and ultimately lead them towards relationship with Jesus. We love this story of Compassion from Manchester Vineyard!
Ear Healed During Online Church (Birmingham Vineyard Church)
We love to hear stories of healing! Here’s a brilliant story from Birmingham Vineyard.
Dreaming the Impossible
With DTI: Streaming The Impossible at the beginning of August, we shared some of our favourite stories from young people at DTI 2019!
Everyone Said Yes to Jesus at Online Alpha (Hull Vineyard)
We loved this story from Hull Vineyard about people coming to faith online! Read the full story here.
A Joint Service for Vineyards in East Anglia
A few weeks ago, all the Vineyard churches in East Anglia joined together for one virtual church service! We chatted with Craig Deal, who leads the East Anglia area, to find what they got up to and how it went.
We shared our vision that we would be people who are salt and light in every town, village and city in East Anglia. That we would plant churches, sites and groups in every community. That every workplace, toddler group, school, university, coffee shop and pub would have people in it who are God’s salt and light. That not one part of East Anglia would be left in darkness.
You can read the full story here.
Lockdown Stories: Volume Two

We have been hearing story after story of God at work and wanted to collate these to inspire and encourage you in this time. Last month we released our second edition of Lockdown Stories. You can check it out below
Do you have a story about what God is doing in your context? We would love to hear it! Please email us here.