Vineyard Launch Training is a launchpad for those preparing to plant a church or step into church leadership. A series of intensive training environments with follow-on cohorts for support.
Vineyard Launch Training is a launchpad for those preparing to plant a church or step into church leadership. A series of intensive training environments with follow-on cohorts for support.
Is it essential to do Launch Training before we plant or lead a church?
Yes. Launch Training is an essential preparation component for all leaders who are about to plant a church or step into senior leadership of an existing church via a succession. The content is specifically designed for this purpose, and a wonderful by-product is that Launch Training allows new leaders to connect with others who are stepping out on the same journey, fostering a fantastically supportive learning community.
What is the difference between Leadership College and Launch Training?
Leadership College is an intense learning environment for leaders to explore what God has for them in leadership and grow in their understanding of who God is and who they are as a leader. Launch training (in almost all instances) would follow participation in the Leadership College. Launch training currently exists specifically for those individuals who are moving forward into church planting or senior church leadership following the discernment process.
Do I need to do Leadership College before Launch training?
In most instances, we would highly recommend that Launch training be undertaken after College participation.
What does Launch training look like?
Launch Training consists of a residential at the end of September, homework and zoom calls throughout the year, as well as participation in Multiply events such as The Call. We look at Vision and Values, journey of calling, strategic planning and the nuts and bolts of church planting or senior leadership - like governance and finances. As well as how the wider Vineyard movement works and supports its leaders. We have plenty of time for building friendships with others on a similar journey, cheering one another on, praying for each other and sharing experiences.
How do I access Launch training?
Launch training can be accessed by communicating with members of the Vineyard Training team here or the Multiply team here. [email protected]; [email protected]