Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Vineyard Worship

Multiply Vineyard


If you would like to use a Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland song for any of the following purposes:

  • To make a cover of a song
  • Reproduce the lyrics or music of a song for print or projection purposes
  • Perform a song in public
  • Use a song on a CD, DVD or digital product
  • Or for anything else…

Please contact our publishing administrator:

Integrated Rights

If you would like to use a Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland master recording for any of the following purposes:

  • Include a recording on a CD, DVD or digital release
  • Playing a recording in public, on the radio or TV
  • Streaming a recording over the internet
  • Synchronising a recording to a video production
  • Or for any other purpose…

Please contact our label administrator:

Integrated Rights

Thanks! – The Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland team.


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