Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

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So Everyone Can Hear

"Communicating Church in a Digital Culture" - Mark Crosby

In Matthew 11:15, Jesus says, ‘Whoever has ears, let them hear’. How do we make sure we are saying things in a way that invites all people – no matter their background – to engage with what it means to be church today? 

This colourful, engaging and practical book will help leaders and members alike be more mindful of how they ‘communicate church’ both inside and outside of it within our dynamic and ever-changing digital culture.

“The Internet is a canvas on which we can paint a picture of God’s love. It’s a printing press to issue invitations. It’s a library for us to tell better stories.” — Mark Crosby

Foreword from John & Eleanor Mumford, Vineyard Churches Global Coordination

“If you were to ask us about ‘church communications’, we would quickly point you to Mark Crosby. Whether being trained on how to use social media, communicating digitally with a movement of church leaders, or (heaven forbid!) even updating a website, we have sometimes found ourselves out of our depth in the murky world of communications and have needed this very talented man to save us from ourselves!

What Mark so excellently demonstrates in So Everyone Can Hear, and what he has often demonstrated to us, is that all leaders have a role to play in communicating church within our current culture. 

Mark shows how church communications help to lay the foundations for the health and growth of the local church, starting with vision, values and prayerful planning. Technology has provided opportunities to build on such communications, approaching them slowly and sustainably, not frantically in fits and starts.

Whether you are a church leader, a small-group leader or are launching a new ministry, this book is for you. It will guide you to a greater understanding of how you can make use of the myriads of tools available to you in order to reach not just your church but also your surrounding area. So Everyone Can Hear is a practical, inspiring and helpful guide for every leader in the Church, no matter his or her age, stage or experience.

We have always believed hugely in Mark and all that he does to serve and equip the local church. This book is an invaluable resource, which we are delighted to endorse; we are confident that it will be a great blessing to you.

At the end of the day, what is the Church – a community of Jesus lovers – without communication at its heart? And what is our mandate in the world? To share the gospel in such a way that everyone can hear.”

Review from John & Debby Wright, National Directors, Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

“As the Communications Director for Vineyard Churches (UK & Ireland), Mark has been hugely effective in shaping communication both within and beyond our movement across multiple platforms. His passion for Jesus and the Church, his strategic mind, and his diligent study of current and emerging means of communication combine to make what he has to say well worth listening to. In this book, Mark demonstrated his flair to making the complex simple, providing practical tips that have the potential to transform the Church’s ability to connect with those within and far beyond it.”

This book is available to purchase via the Vineyard Worship Shop. Just head here and get your copy today!

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