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Books by John Stott

recommendations from Eleanor Mumford

Eleanor Mumford recommends two essential John Stott books.

The Cross of Christ

The recent death of John Stott has restored to the radar a number of his remarkable books. “The Cross of Christ” is a towering work and possibly one of the most brilliant and yet accessible of books on the subject. Some grasp of the theology of the Cross, and an understanding of its power and personal application must be among the most essential things we need as leaders of the churches “under our care.” Along with any collection of basic commentaries “The Cross of Christ” is one of the most important books you will ever invest in.

Buy ‘The Cross of Christ’ from Vineyard Records by clicking here.

Issues Facing Christians Today

And there is another . . . Stott wrote a wonderful book, “Issues Facing Christians Today”, in which he faces and argues through some of the knottier problems and difficult ethical issues we have to face as leaders. As always every thought is filtered through his sharp and ever-rigorous biblical perspective. Recently I studied his arguments while involved with a couple considering the ethical issues surrounding IVF treatment. All of us found the resource of Stott’s thorough and well-expressed thinking incredibly helpful. Again, another volume for anyone’s growing library and a real investment.

Buy ‘Issues Facing Christians Today’ from Vineyard Records by clicking here.

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