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A Summer of Baptisms

There is nothing like a baptism to remind us why growing and supporting our local churches is so important. The outward display of a life transformed and given to Jesus that we see during a baptism is such a special moment and should be an encouragement to the whole church family. Over the summer, many Vineyard churches across the UK and Ireland held baptism services and saw many people sharing their testimonies and making public commitments of faith.

Stevenage Vineyard

Angela’s story:

I had absolutely no interest in church or God and struggled with social anxiety for many years, but my Dad kept inviting me to church.  I loved the welcome and wondered if there might be something in this and came back.  After about the third time I felt a strange feeling go through my body and suddenly it all made sense; I knew it was real. I felt the presence of God.  

Over time I kept coming and experienced a change as I continued on this unexpected journey I found myself on.  My social anxiety grew less, I took risks and did things I wouldn’t have done before.  I now work in the foodshed, Stevenage Vineyard’s foodbank, working with those at the lowest in their time of need and I love giving away the hope that I have received.

Derby Vineyard

Ez’s story:

I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, and although I did go to a Christian primary school, I did not have a relationship with Jesus. I grew up in an abusive household, which was difficult and moved to Spain with my family in 2012. I struggled a lot with my mental health, and my home life was hard for me, along with alcoholism in my home. 

In 2016, my mum and I escaped and moved to the UK after I graduated from High School and we had to declare homelessness here. In March 2017, I had a stroke, which led my mental and physical health to decline. Around this time, I started attending a youth group and around a year later, when they played the worship song ‘Reckless Love’ by Cory Asbury at my youth group, God spoke to me and said “You are going to be ok”; this was my first encounter with Jesus. 

Since giving my life to the Lord, my health has been improving. After attending New Wine in 2019, starting University and seeing miracle after miracle, my relationship with Jesus has deepened. After 2 years of waiting (due to the COVID-19 lockdown) I finally got baptised at Derby Vineyard in August. Jesus has transformed my life in a multitude of ways and I love the Lord with my whole heart. Nowadays, I’m involved in the student ministry, worship team and admin of Derby Vineyard along with studying for my degree in Psychology at Derby University.

Taunton Vineyard

Brad’s story

I came from a completely secular background. The best way I can describe my teen years and early twenties is ‘heavy metal atheist’. So that’s wearing a lot of black and not only believing there’s not a God but it’s telling anyone who believes there’s a God that that’s fundamentally wrong. That was the way I spent a lot of my twenties and I went through prolonged periods of depression, anxiety and nihilism. 

The first bit of change for me was when Seth, my son, was born. When he was born something changed in me and I wasn’t happy enough with nothingness – it didn’t logically or emotionally make sense. But you can’t believe in something you don’t believe in. I tried to study things like spirituality, philosophy but as pragmatically and secularly as possible. I practised zen meditation but it didn’t get rid of the depression.

In all this studying I had told myself I wouldn’t become a Christian but I suddenly found myself with a whole shelf full of books about Jesus and three translations of the Bible. I was going through the Bible and remember reading the story in Matthew, when Jesus called to his disciples and said ‘follow me’ and they just followed him. I kept thinking Jesus was just a good moral philosopher and it’s a good story but Jesus kept asking me to follow him. This happened for years so I started praying and I asked him to give me a sign and he started giving me signs and moving me. I went to a Quaker meeting and had deep experiences. Something changed in me in a big way and I just couldn’t let Jesus go. Every time I went back to him my life felt complete in a way I couldn’t explain.
I started praying, I started coming to church and since then everything has been shaken. Many philosophers made me feel good about my life but none of them completed my life in any way. To me, there is a living reality of Jesus that just can’t be explained away.

Sheffield Vineyard

Ignacio’s story

I got baptised because I felt God tell me it’s the right time. God is kind. He loves me and he has helped me and my family through a lot of stuff. I felt like I wanted to take the next step with him.

Vineyard Church Cardiff West

Nathan’s story

God’s hand has always been on my life, even at times when I wasn’t close to him. Growing up in a very challenging and neglectful home where my parents didn’t seem to care; God placed people in my life that supported me and kept me safe. From giving me food and a bed to sleep in, to emotional and financial support, people such as my Godmother Janice took me in when all hope was lost. Her faith was and is an inspiration to me and I found my faith whilst living with her and attending her church.

From then on my faith has indeed been tested with more difficult times but God has always had a steady hand on me and Psalm 139 has always been the background music to my life thus far.

‘Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, Oh Lord. You hem me in-behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me’. 

God has known the ‘plans he (had) for me’ and he has never ‘left (me)’ or ‘forsaken (me)’. 

When I was 19 I was on a motorcycle and got hit by a car; the bone in my nose missed my brain by millimetres. God saved my life and I went on to be given my wife (my best friend and constant companion) and now the most beautiful son we could have ever dreamt of. 

Again, recently God saved my life in a horrendous car accident where my tyre blew whilst I was travelling home from an event. Angels were at my bedside and I heard their beating wings and the tangible hand of God on my chest when I was completely alone on a hospital bed in the trauma unit. I didn’t know why I was there or whether I would walk again.

I heard God whisper the name of my son to me whilst I was on that hospital bed. It was so audible, so real and so incredible that God chose to not only save me, but touch me and speak to me. It was at this point that I knew I needed to be baptised and to tell my story publicly in the hope that it sparks faith in those with none and strengthens those who need a reminder that God is good. God is real and God will rescue.

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