Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Vineyard Worship

Multiply Vineyard


COVID-19: Cancelling National Events

It is with great sadness and with a reluctance to place people at risk, that we have made the decision to cancel our forthcoming national events.

We have a duty of care as a national event organiser and after seeking advice, staying updated on government guidance (from both UK and Ireland) and being mindful of our responsibility, we have decided that gathering people who will then spread back around the UK and Ireland would be irresponsible at this time.

Our hope was that these events could continue, however, the risk of spreading infection amongst our churches as a result of a national gathering is too high.

Specifically, the events which are affected by this are: 

  • National Worship Retreat (England) – Cancelled
  • Multiplication and Church Planting Summit – Postponed
  • Youth Leaders’ Getaway – Cancelled
  • Scottish Leaders’ Conference – Cancelled
  • Irish Worship Retreat – Under review, we will make a decision about this in due course.

For cancelled events

We are in an unprecedented situation for which there are economic implications for us (including covering venue and hire costs), which insurance companies are unable to cover. If you wish for your ticket price to contribute towards the deficit, no further action is due on your part, but know that we appreciate your kindness. However, If you would like a full or partial refund we will happily process this for you.  To request your refund, please email [email protected] with your booking details (event, name, reference number) and your request will be processed as soon as possible.

For postponed events

Please keep hold of your ticket which will be valid for the event at a future date. If you are unable to make this new date then please email [email protected] and we will refund your ticket.

We will continue to monitor the situation and listen to government guidance on future gatherings and keep you updated.

The mission of the church remains unchanged

This is a pandemic with no precedent in modern times.  And although the church may have to function differently for a time, the mission of the church remains unchanged; the tools and environments may differ to our usual methods, but we must continue to care for the vulnerable, share the message of Jesus and be a light on a hill in this ever-changing situation.

There are responses we can all action at this time, both practical and spiritual.

Prayer points

Join us in praying for the medical and healthcare teams involved in caring for the sick; the scientists researching solutions; government officials making important decisions; local authorities serving our communities; the isolated and vulnerable at this time, heads of educational institutions – for wisdom as they all face the reality of this situation head-on. 

Practical support

Practically, we can be loving our neighbours; supporting those fearful or anxious; caring for those at greater risk; staying in contact with those who are isolated at this time; encouraging those working hard to keep others safe, and sharing the hope we have in Jesus Christ. 

As we visit elderly and sick people in care homes or Hospitals, be mindful that we should follow advice from the staff on infection control.

We need to be wise, following best-practices in hygiene and not putting anybody vulnerable at risk, but this is also a moment to respond with the hope that we have in Jesus, to flavour conversations with his love and to lead our communities in thought and word and deed.

Further resources

There are a number of resources that you might find helpful:

Government guidance on the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Will Van Der Hart: Anxiety and Coronavirus.

Guidance on self-isolation (NHS).

World Health Organisation guidance on basic protective measures.

NHS: How to wash hands.

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