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When it comes to my prayer and my Bible rhythms, they are very essential and I believe that God is no shorter than his word so when it says to ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and all of its righteousness and everything else will be added unto you’ the first thing I do my best to do every morning is spend some time with the Lord.

I have a particular chair that I go in and it’s an area that’s in my house which is designated as its own proverbial altar in which I take some time and I spend with the Lord. What I do in particular is I go through the word of God. I use the ‘search the scriptures’ book, that’s one I’m reading right now, and I’m reading through the Bible which is God’s love letter to me and I’m reading through that. I  also take some time to actually rotate a devotional book that I believe helps to get me behind the veil and spend some time with the Lord, I do that as well.

And then I take some time for some very specific prayer, not just for myself and my family, but also for my church and for those which I love, I even pray for my enemies as well.

I find that when I’m not doing that, that my life just gets off kilter, that power in that sense does not come in my life. My grandmother used to say this phrase to me, she would say: “Much prayer, much power. Little prayer, little power. No prayer, no power”. And when I don’t feel that power in my life in that sense and I begin to get cantankerous and I begin to get sloppy in other areas in my life, I can 9.9 times out of 10 always point back to my devotional life and whether or not I have spent the appropriate time doing that as well.

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