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Intentional Leadership

available for kindle or as a free PDF

‘Intentional Leadership’ was first written for church planters and church leaders, this book is both practical and straightforward.

Written by a church planter and pastor, this book is full of stories, tips and helpful strategies for growth learnt ‘on the job’. Some stories tell of doing it wrong, some by stumbling on the right things, much of what is written has been learned from others and so it’s unlikely you’ll find anything very new or revolutionary here.

Intentional means to be “determined and resolved to act” in a certain way. To plant and lead a growing church requires a high level of intentionality. Nothing is haphazard, nothing is assumed. We need to think, pray and act in a determined and resolved way to see healthy growth. This material seeks to clarify a number of essential areas of church leadership that we especially need to be intentional about.

Everything in this book has been tried and tested by various churches and has made a difference and helped the process of growing churches.

‘Intentional Leadership’ covers the following areas:

  • The context for church planting and growth;
  • Integrity of vision; Intentional Gathering;
  • Depending on the Holy Spirit;
  • Investing in Leaders;
  • Plus invaluable training material from Jay Pathak and Michael Gatlin.

To download this book for the kindle please click here.

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To download a free PDF please click below.

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